What happens when you hard-wire a society?
What happens when you hard-wire a society?
iPhone Windows Phones Mobile browser ✔️ ✔️ Email client ✔️ ✔️ SMS ✔️ ✔️ Physical keyboard ✔️ Camera ✔️ ✔️
I saw bumper stickers like the title of this post for years and wondered, in the pre-internet era, what they meant. I believed it when I was told, “Oh, it’s a band. It’s an inside joke among the fans.” WTF? It wasn’t until my second trip to the Chinati Foundation, in Marfa, Texas, that it …
I think a lot of people are getting Ted Lasso wrong, especially when it comes to Nate…
Objet petit a—the little A—the thing that keeps us going… in the wrong direction
Conversations overheard, and under-appreciated, at first, at the barber shop.
Sometimes Apple makes products that are even better than they tell us they are.
I’m putting this here to help anyone who ends up in the same place I was last night at a bit after midnight. I know you’re out there… I’ve seen your panic-stricken posts to the Lenovo forums (fora?). The Problem: Lenovo-crippled firmware As the de facto “IT person” for the greater portion of my and …